I found the workshop, "Fatherless Women and Motherless Men" to be insightful and full of information that helped me to understand the many people I know who have suffered this type of trauma. Gabriella not only explains what happens but gives you tools so you may move on towards achieving a fuller and happier life.
Pixie Glore, Marbella, Spain
Hi Gabriella, I really enjoyed this course, it made me aware of how little parenting I actually did receive and also that many of things I think, feel and believe as an adult are at times repetitions of what I heard as a child. It also taught me that I have a choice using the information I learnt in this workshop, to start to change some of those feelings and thoughts and the way I conduct my relationships as an adult. I can begin my journey "by parenting myself and to check how I parent and the negatives and positives, and try to improve my relationship with my children, as regards to the messages I give out. As always I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and I will try to incorporate the tools I have learned into my daily life.
Love & Light
Kezia, Marbella, Spain
I found Gabriella's approach easy to understand and a useful complement to my own action based methods. She has given me a sound foundation for my own work with clients and helped me to a clearer understanding of the underlying issues. This was my first experience of Gabriella's approach and it has led to my recommending two friends to see her services.
Phil Burgess
Psychodrama Psychotherapist
Alpandeire, Spain
I found the workshop an invaluable insight into the relationships between sons and mothers and also fathers and daughters and how these interactions have affected my life. I received many of the answers to questions I had been asking myself about my parents and my relationship partners. I now feel able to move forward with my life in a more positive emotional direction.
L.S., Mijas, Spain
Having participated in many similar themed seminars in Ireland over a period of 20 years, I found that this seminar actually addressed and illustrated its subject matter with realistic and pertinent case studies. The presentation was cliché-free and empathic and the healing energy generated subtly and humorously by Dr Kortsch invited self-disclosure resulting in personal realisations. I left the seminar with a deep feeling of contentment and an enhanced awareness as to how we consciously and oftentimes unwittingly stunt and sabotage our personal growth and dishonour our intimate, personal and social relationships.
Tom Dwan, Granada, Spain
I grew up as a daughter in a fatherless family - my natural father died when I was 4 years old and my mother re-married when I was five. My step-father was emotionally absent all my life and as a child I grew up feeling I was unlovable. In my adult life I attracted men who emotionally and physically abused me which in turn strengthened the view I had of myself of being unlovable and gave me many years of painful relationships. This workshop will give you valuable insight as to the different situations and outcomes for men and women who have been raised with one absent parent. The workshop has given me important tools that I use to give myself the love I felt was missing .
E.O. Mijas, Spain
Gabriella's workshop about "Fatherless Women and Motherless Men" has brought some light into my self-understanding, as well as helping me understand the people around me and their behaviour.
Maia, Marbella, Spain
The workshop was as interesting as it was illuminating. The preparation and presentation by Gabriella Kortsch was simply superb. There are few places where such depth of information, in such a clear format can be given in such a short space of time and leave you with so much to think about. Well worth attending.
Dee McMath, Malaga, Spain
Hello Gabriella Just wanted to thank you for two brilliant workshops I attended. I found them so informative and relative to my current situation. Then I registered on your website and was e-mailed the latest Newsletter "When Love Walks Out the Door". This could have been about me! Anyway all of this is helping me greatly to come to terms with what has happened and my potential NEW life. In time I know that this will have happened for the best - I am working on it with your help.
Thank you once again.
W., Herefordshire, UK
Gabriella, I just wanted to thank you for the workshop. I only wish I could have come to all of them, at any rate if you repeat them, I certainly will go again.
P. Spain
Thank you Gabriella, I really enjoyed Saturday. Generally things I already knew but over the time and circumstances you tend to forget. You reminded me of many things I needed to hear and exercise again and somehow were rusty at the back of my head.
Thank you
E., Sotogrande, Spain
Thank you for Saturday! It was a great morning and highly useful. So thank you, and I look forward to coming on more of your workshops this year.
G., Marbella, Spain
Dear Gabriella, Thank-you very much for such a lovely morning last Saturday. It was very productive and positive for me and I am sure that for everybody else. […] spoke to me about you and about the workshop and I am very glad she did. I can tell you I have changed my way of looking at life, I would say in Spanish, mi modo de ver la vida, since I heard you on Saturday and understood that life is much nicer that what we think!!!
S. Marbella, Spain
Dear Gabriella, I thoroughly enjoyed your workshop on Saturday and found you a true inspirational speaker. I plan to attend as many of your talks as possible....... !
Warmest Regards
D., Sotogrande, Spain
Dear Gabriella, Thank you once again for your workshop. I loved the the way you presented it and tied all the pieces together and created a light but insightful way of helping people look at relationship issues. Thank you again for being the catalyst for yet more transformation!
Y. Granada, Spain
Hello, Thank you for Saturday, it was my first workshop with you and I really enjoyed it.
Thank you again for such a great experience.
A., Elviria, Spain
Hello Dr. Kortsch, I attended your workshop a few weeks ago. Thanks for putting on a very intriguing and thought provoking workshop, I highly enjoyed it!
A., Estepona, Spain
I wanted to thank you for that wonderful and most enjoyable, not to mention, fulfilling morning! A lot was brought to the forefront of one's consciousness! I do love your teaching and shall much look forward to seeing a lot of you! Take great care and carry on doing the wonderful work you do!
With love,
Y. Sotogrande, Spain
Hi Gabriella, I receive your newsletter on a regular basis and I felt after reading the latest I must tell you how much I gain from reading it. I have never been to any of your sessions but I do suggest people contact you if I think it is appropriate and you are on my help list as and when I or my loved ones are in need. Thank you again for giving so much. There is an empowering energy in your words and intentions.
P., Spain
Hi Gabriella: thanks so much for the quick reply. Your newsletters always speak to me on the day that you send them. They always have an important message for me.
M., New Mexico
Thanks for your newsletters. They are quite incredible.
Marina, New York
Dear Gabriella, This was a big hit with the people that I work with. I printed out the bit "I can choose not to get upset" etc for all of us, so when a certain person gets difficult we read it calmly and deal with the situation. Thanks!!
Lots of love,
C., Spain
Gabriella, You just write the best stuff! !! Just the best !!! I'm enjoying each of your posts....and your site....so insightful - always.....so inspirational... One minute - something spiritual, the next, something very practical....you mix these things, and incorporate them into the topic....with brilliance - each time!!!
Thank you,
D., Texas
Hola Gabriella, me encantaría que escribieses algún artículo para ayudar a las personas que desde hace años queremos adelgazar y por causas emocionales no podemos. Ya se que hay muchos libros, muchas técnicas y muchos consejos pero me gustan mucho tus artículos, cómo los documentas y todos tus consejos.
Gracias de antemano.
P., España
Hello Gabriella Just wanted to thank you for two brilliant workshops I attended. I found them so informative and relative to my current situation. Then I registered on your website and was e-mailed the latest Newsletter "When Love Walks Out the Door". This could have been about me! Anyway all of this is helping me greatly to come to terms with what has happened and my potential NEW life. In time I know that this will have happened for the best - I am working on it with your help. Thank you once again.
W., UK
Hi Gabriella, Just wanted to tell you how much your work with me has helped me improve my life. For the first time I feel as though I'm really living.
Thank you! I'll never forget it.
G., Spain
Gabriella, What a lovely newsletter! These are all so wonderful and enlightening! When are you going to put them all in a book that we can put next to the bed so we can underline and flag the most important parts and refer to often!
P., Spain
Gabriella: I can´t tell you how much I've enjoyed your work since I began reading you in early April.
Hello Gabriella, Thanks for sending on your ´claiming responsibility´ newsletter. They really should have a form of schooling for new parents that teach them all that your newsletter covers. It really would make the world a better place.
C., Spain
Dear Gabriella, As usual, I find myself saying 'yes' to all you say in the newsletter. I will try to be conscious as I have noisy builders right outside my window - a real big test of my equanimity. Again, I am astonished at all that you are able to accomplish - and how much help you give through your communication. I'm glad to be part of the network. Now I just have to find my inner Gabriella!
A., Lanjaron, Spain
Hi, Fantastic topics. where do you get all these ideas from...I know from the people who come to you for help. You must feel so satisfied with your days, it feels so good to help people in need.
M., UK
Dear Gabriella: 1. I think you do a great job with your different topics. 2. We enjoy reading your topics. Best wishes,
A., Morocco
Hi Gabriella I receive your newsletter every month which I really enjoy.
T., Spain
A friend invited me to one of Gabriella's workshop. It was a first for me. I found the presentation of the topics most interesting, resulting in looking at myself with a different attitude. I definitely will attend some future seminars.
WD, Doha, Qatar
Hi Gabriella, Perfect timing for a great article. L., UK Hi Gabriella; Thank you so much for all your newsletters that you send me. I read all of them with interest, and get something from each one. Thanks again,
K., Spain
Gabriella, I wish I had read your October Newsletter before writing earlier today. I just finished reading it, and does it every make some profound points. I felt like you were talking directly to me. You couldn't know how perfect the timing is, and how it kept me from making a selfish choice.
Intentional or not, thank you very much.
Dear Gabriella, Thank you for sending along this simple but (potentially) profound advice for the New Year. I think of you often, and send you very positive wishes for the New Year!
S., Spain
Estimada Sra. Kortsch, He leído con interés su boletín, pues me interesa mucho este tema.
S., España
Hola Gabriella, I notice how so much of your advice is reflected in the program of recovery from my AA. As long as I point fingers at the world, I am truly powerless over the situations I find myself in. Once I become conscious of my connection with the Creator, and watch my thoughts, words and deeds, I place myself into the world that I wish to be in and seem to not have the difficulties I hear so many complain about. Taking personal responsibility gains me the power to not place myself in situations that I will be hurt in.
Ric, Colorado
Dear Gabriella, I have received and enjoyed and learned from a number of your emails.
any thanks,
N., Spain
Sehr geehrte Fra Dr. Kortsch Ich habe mit grossem Interesse Ihre Newsletter gelesen!
U., Deutschland
Dear Dr. Kortsch, Thank you for your newsletter and access to your archived articles. I first discovered your website, etc. just last night and I can't read it fast enough!! Thank you for the ebooks and all the great information in your articles. Your article that first "grabbed me" was 'Your Parents, Your Children, and the Marital Bed'. I almost didn't read it because I thought the title indicated that it was about small children still sleeping in their parent's bed and all that entails. However, I'm sooo glad I read it...late last night....and it seemed that it just had a grip on me...like you were talking to me. It was scary. I am in the USA and of course will continue to read every word of your newsletters and will tell others about it. Thanks again for all you are doing!!
Querida Gabriella, Muy interesante tu artículo. Voy a pasarlo a otros.
Un abrazo
Ignacio, España
I want to thank you for giving your wisdom and helpful words to us millions free of charge. Each time I read what you write I marvel that it seems to be exactly the help I need at the moment/day/month. You also are so involved "with the world" and the "people everywhere." How do you accomplish so very much? I admire you greatly and thank you again for your gifts,
Hi, It is been a long time since we met or communicated. Must thank you for the regular newsletters.
Really do appreciate them.
S., Spain
Gabriella, I just wanted to thank you for the workshop. I only wish I could have come to all of them, at any rate if you repeat them, I certainly will go again.
P. Spain
Dear Gabriella It was quite wonderful to receive your newsletter re claiming responsibility for your inner self. I have recently discovered the incredible effects of being in the driver's seat, choosing how you react to external events. Immediate reactions are of course often the conditioned ones, but with the beauty of awareness and inner courage and the pleasure of discovering the benefits, to yourself and those around you, choosing a positive response, is not just possible but truly liberating. Your kindness in sharing your knowledge and experience is inspiring.
Thank you.
Kind regards
Y., Spain
Dear Gabriella, Once again I read in amazement your latest newsletter. You are so brilliant, always choosing topics that are there to better oneself!
Michelle, New York
Hello Dr. Kortsch, Thank you so much!! I appreciate and enjoy your personal messages and can't believe you take the time to do that!! I will definitely listen to the radio programs...thank you for your advice that I have already grown to trust. I appreciate you!! Have a great day!!
P., Arizona
Hi, I am reading your website, and your articles. I am impressed. It took a couple of hours to read one of your articles, it contains so much information that I needed to process to understand. It is excellent.
Thank you.
D., Arizona
Dr. Kortsch, I really enjoyed browsing articles on your Web site, and even printed off a couple for my partner. I look forward to checking out the audio files. Thanks for the personal welcome note.
Chao for now,
Gabriella, I just put a link to your site on my links page. Also signed up on your site. Thank you for giving freely of your time on these wonderful articles.
P., Spain
Hi Gabriella, Thank you for your newsletters - they are so helpful and packed with great information! The workshops you offer are very interesting - wish I was closer to Spain! : ) (I'm in Canada). This particular newsletter is right where I'm at - cellular reactions and the draining of power. There are a lot of good insights that I can put into action.
Muchas gracias! With appreciation!
N., Canada
Dear Gabriella, Thanks as always…Love reading your stuff.
R., Spain
Hi, I have been reading your articles since last year and I have always found ideas that have helped in my personal life.
Thank you very much
L., Mauritius
Hello Gabriella, Greetings. I want to express how much I enjoy, understand, think, deeply meditate....etc. etc.etc., on the subjects that you so articulate and write about, always hitting the right spot where it hurts. Your last one on Addictions is one that certainly deserves a PRIZE!
Best regards,
P. Spain
Hello, I have received your emails for over a year and have found them helpful.
Kind regards,
P., Turkey
Hallo Frau Kortsch, Ich habe im Internet nach Therapiemöglichkeiten gesucht und bin dann, über Google, auf Ihre Website gestossen, die mir sehr gefallen hat.
Viele Grüsse,
P., Spanien
You have been very helpful to me. Two years ago I wrote to you when I was in a dark place. Today, I am in a place of light.... found a church and a community that accepts me as me. I have grown so much spiritually and I bless & thank you for listening to me and directing me out of the darkness.
Peace and love,
Thank You Gabriella. This puts a lot of perspective into what I have always felt, and until a few months ago, not understood. Your articles are always so timely and poignant.
C., Canada
Thank you so very much for keeping me updated with your newsletter. I really appreciate it. You've no idea!
T., Sotogrande, Spain
Dear Gabriella, As always your newsletter was very interesting and enjoyed reading it.
M.B., Estepona, Spain
Many thanks for your news letter, I have listened to your radio shows in the past and had gained more understanding about myself and regain direction and meaning from them which is helping me to move my life forward...
Dear Gabriela, I was DELIGHTED to discover you today. Connecting with you is the JOYFUL event of my day - so far! May your days be full of the inspiration you give to others!
V. Estepona
Hi, I hear you regularly on the radio. It is not only interesting but very, very informative.
S., Benalmádena, SPAIN
Thanks for sending the article, which I found to be extremely thought provoking indeed.
L.S., Benalmádena
Hi, Wow Gabriella, how do you find time to write all this, radio programmes, newsletters, workshops? Your energy amazes me. Glad to hear you will soon be back on the radio, am really missing OCI. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK
Peter, Spain
No recuerdo cómo ni cuando me dí de alta a su boletín. Un día de repente empecé a recibirlo y me pareció interesante. Pero lo de éste último boletín me ha`parecido revelador. Después de trabajar mucho un tema que aún hoy me persigue, pedí al universo me mandara la información o terapia necesaria para desconectar la historia de una vez por todas pues me está afectando en mi salud, y justo recibo tu boletin. Muchísimas gracias por la información.
L. España
Dear Dr. Kortsch, I have been meaning to write to you for a while. I owe you a BIG thank you. I have been reading your articles with a ferocious appetite. I have been impatiently anticipating the arrival of your monthly newsletters. You have lead me to an abundance of things, from the secret, to a new earth, to the power of now, to zen habits, to spiritual movies, to radio shows, to happiness is a choice, to making grateful lists..... and many more, Thank you for laying out those stepping stones, it is very much appreciated. Thank you for having such an impact on my life. I am a much happier person.
Warm Regards,
United Arab Emirates
Dear Gabriella, Once again, your newsletter and its feature article come at a perfect timing for me. Just exactly what I needed to read.
Thank you.
D., Holland
Dr Gabriella, Your newsletters are fantastic - thank you. Many articles have been helpful - and helped me stay calm.
Please know that you are appreciated, Gabriella.
A., Spain
Dear Gabriella, Once again, for me, precisely at this moment in my life, you hit the nail on the head with your article "Looking in all the Right Places". I am going through a tough time these days as my partner has left me. It's really hard. But the good, progressive news is that, thanks to this, I have at last started psychotherapy to deal with the roots of my emotional problems. In this sense, it is positively affecting me. But talking about synchronicity. I was walking in the streets this afternoon, really depressed because of the whole situation. I check my email, and find your newsletter. With the exact article I needed to read right now. And it always seems to happen that way with your newsletter; also in the past, it has always come with the right article precisely at the right time for me. I don't know how or why this happens, but it does. Further let me compliment you because I love the energy, strength and positivism you charge your articles with. If ever you doubted that they have a positive impact, please don't, for, in my case anyway, they help me tremendously. I can really relate to them and find some strength through them. And I may say a broader vision on life as well. Helpful, supportive and inspiring.
Warmest regards,
Hi Gabriella. thank you very much for the course yesterday, I enjoyed it very much. I will be back another time also!!
Love from
E., Marbella, Spain
Thanks for a very enriching morning! I feel I have some valuable tools to put in my kit bag, and promise to use them.
L. Marbella, Spain
Dear Gabriella, Thank you for your special article on forgiveness. I realize how much more personal power I have now that I have forgiven many of my past hurts and mistakes - i.e. I have practiced forgiving others and myself. I can't tell you the surprise I experienced when I realized how much extra energy and emotional strength I had through this process. I am now much more aware of the present moment and the infinite joy and peace that brings. God is in the present moment for me….
With Love and Light,
Brisbane, Australia
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